The Road Less Stupid

I am reading a book called The Road Less Stupid by Keith Cunningham. Keith shared four reasons on why potential customers reject a solution These of course will limit the growth of an organization. I have summarized the reasons below.
Risk– Target customers do not buy if they perceive a risk of failure or have a fear that our solution will not work for them. This is where references are vitally important along with our experience working with similar organizations.
Friction– Sometimes potential customers do not buy because the brain damage associated with switching is too great. The pain of change is not worth the gain.
The Difference That Makes the Difference– Confused prospects rarely buy. If a potential customer does not have a clear understanding of what you can do for them that is meaningful and is not available elsewhere, they are unlikely to make the switch. We need a granular understanding of what our competitors do and how what we do is meaningfully different.
Success Proposition– We need to clearly communicate to potential customers that our product will meet their definition of success. Customers leave because of a vendor’s inability to consistently meet their expectation of success.
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“Fear arises when we imagine everything depends on us.” Elisabeth Elliot/Author & Missionary.

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Shine Light on Your Perfects

I received this quote from a book my sister is reading. It says, “If you only shine light on your flaws, all your perfects will dim.” Keep your mind on God and he will use your gifts to serve others!

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Christmas- Prince of Peace to help with difficulties

Heaven and earth collided when Jesus was born on Christmas. It was a difficult journey to birth. Mary had to travel 90 miles by camel while pregnant. King Herod was very troubled that a new King was being talked about and there was no comfortable spot to give birth. This was the environment that our Prince of Peace arrived. With that said, don’t hesitate to turn to turn to Jesus during your difficult times. He will give you peace in the face of adversity.

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AI & Sales

Use AI to augment and not replace your personal voice in sales. Personal messaging is your superpower to build relationships.

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Top Performers & Day Ahead

Are you a top performer? I can tell instantly by how you start your day each day. Is it planned out or do you go with the flow? Separation is in the preparation.

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Block the negative thoughts that try to enter your mindset with grateful thoughts. It’s a daily battle that must be won with resiliency.

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Your scarcity doesn’t cap God’s generosity.

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Let Grandma do her cooking

When working on a new strategy, you have to have patience and let Grandma do her cooking.

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Let Grandma do her Cooking

Sometimes in sports and in life you have to let grandma do her cooking. Let things develop before rushing into anything. We need to be patient.

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